“Litamatics Middle School Math is perfect for after school programs looking for fun ways to boost math learning.”
Janie Bibbin Los Angeles, CA
Litamatics Math Features 8 Themes.
- Each theme features one month of math learning - 36 games and activities.
- Easy-to-use step-by-step teacher guides.
- Student response pages for each activiity.
- Aligned to state and national standards.
- Engaging evidence-based math teaching and learning after school.
Theme 1
Use award winning books, spinners, dice, coins, cards, and cubes to investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
Theme 2
Statistics & Data
Use award winning books, dice, coins, cards, and cubes to collect data, develop an understanding of statistical variability, describe distributions, and use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.
Theme 3
Use award winning books, tangrams, dice, and other materials to draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, volume, and angle measure.
Theme 4
Ratio & Proportional Relationships
Use award winning books, number cards, dice, cubes to understand ratio concepts. Use ratio reasoning to solve problems, analyze proportional relationships, and solve real-world mathematical problems.
Theme 5
The Number System
Play math games related to books to extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions, add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
Theme 6
Expressions & Equations
Use award winning books, number cards, dice, cubes to reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities and solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Litamatics Math Activity Guides include:
- Litamatics. Math games connected to books.
- Book Connections. Small group math challenges connected to books.
- Tales, Puzzles, and Problems. Unique word problems written in verse.
- MathART. Art activities with a math twist.
- Engaging hands-on after school math learning using high interest materials.