WERD offers after school staff an organized, easy-to-use collection of fun writing activities that help teach essential writing skills.

  • Inspires writing through a variety of fun writing activities.
  • Features evidence-based techniques for teaching writing skills and strategies.
  • Combines free-writing, the writing process, and targeted instruction.
  • Used in Title 1, 21st CCLC, Migrant, Summer, Title II, and after school programs

WERD Writing Activities

  • WERDPlay fosters creative writing explorations that motivate and inspire writing.
  • WERDSkills feature brief fun writing activities that focus on one feature of effective writing.
  • WERDTools are essential resources for creating successful writers such as rubrics and writing frames.
  • Teach the writing process and produce published class books.

Download a free sample of the WERD Writing curriculum

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“WERD uses writing as a way to build social and emotional awareness and skills."

After School Director - Austin, TX