"WERD Writing is perfect for middle school. It is amazing how much the student want to write the WERD way!"
Middle School Teacher, Houston, TX
WERD offers after school staff an organized, easy-to-use collection of fun writing activities that help teach essential writing skills.
- Inspires writing through a variety of fun writing activities.
- Features evidence-based techniques for teaching writing skills and strategies.
- Combines free-writing, the writing process, and targeted instruction.
- Used in Title 1, 21st CCLC, Migrant, Summer, Title II, and after school programs
WERD Writing Activities
- WERDPlay fosters creative writing explorations that motivate and inspire writing.
- WERDSkills feature brief fun writing activities that focus on one feature of effective writing.
- WERDTools are essential resources for creating successful writers such as rubrics and writing frames.
- Teach the writing process and produce published class books.