Goggles!, written and illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats, follows a courageous trio of two young boys and their trusty canine companion. Peter, Archie, and the reliable Willie face danger as they escape the clutches of local bullies in their neighbourhood. The friends are exstatic after finding a unique pair of yellow motorcycle goggles. Ezra Jack Keats tells a story of friendship and adventure as Peter, Archie and Willie find a way to evade the bullies who want the cool goggles for themselves.
Originally published in 1969, there are numerous reason why Ezra Jack Keat’s books continue to be parent, teacher, and reader favorites. His incredible artwork is accompanied by stories focusing on urban setting with diverse sets of characters. An American classic, his work is a great feature in any reading program, and we at LitART have multiple activities to go along with his books. Check out Author Study on him here.